Equipment and Art Materials List
•Portable easel and collapsible seat or chair
•Drawing Board (Choose from the following:)
-Masonite board with bull-dog clips
-Drawing board with mounted clips or
-1/2” thick foam core board with bull-dog clips
•Visor, wide-brimmed hat or baseball cap
•Bottle of water
•Digital camera (if desired)
•Empty slide frame or neutral colored board with window cut out
Art Materials:
•Assorted hard pastels by Neupastel (48 color set)
•Assorted soft pastels by Rembrandt (30 colors 1/2 stick set)
•14” x 17” Canson “Biggie” Sketch Pad (not newsprint)
•Canson Mi-Tients 98 lb. Pastel Paper, #133 Sand Color (comes in individual sheets 19.5” x 25”) Will need 3-4 sheets cut to your choice of size.
•Kneadable erasers (Design brand)
•Pink Pearl Eraser
•Mars Staedtler Plastic Eraser
•Blending Stumps
•Chamois Cloths
•Single Edge Razor Blades or X-Acto Knife